1. “On the Cost-Minimizing Number of Firms When Ray Average Costs Decline,” with D. Fischer, American Economic Review 67, 5, 820-21 (Appendix to W.J. Baumol, “On the Proper Cost Tests for Natural Monopoly in a Multiproduct Industry,” 1977) 

2. “Circulatory Viscous Flow Around a Semi-Infinite Flat Plate,” with A.E.P. Veldman and A.I. van de Vooren, Report TW-188, Mathematical Institute, Groningen (1977, selected results in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 75, 1, 102-11, 1980) 

3. “The Price-Iso Return Locus and Rational Rate Regulation,” with W.J. Baumol and D. Fischer, Bell Journal of Economics 10, 2, 648-58 (1979) 

4. “Aggregation Problem in Input-Output Analysis: a Survey,” with D. Chakraborty, Artha Vijnana 23, 3-4, 326-44 (1981) 

5. “Some Interregional Input-Output Analysis,” Revue d’Economie Régionale et Urbaine 2, 229-34 (1983) 

6. “Distance Distributions,” Geographical Analysis 15, 2, 164-69 (1983) 

7. “A Note on Induced Multiplier,” with D. Chakraborty, Artha Vijnana 25, 3, 277-79 (1983) 

8. “On the Cost-Minimizing Number of Firms,” Economics Letters 12, 3-4, 213-18 (1983) 

9. “A System of Probabilistic Inequalities,” SIAM Review 25, 4, 569-70 (1983) and 26, 4, 584-85 (1984) 

10. “Supportability and Anonymous Equity,” Journal of Economic Theory 31, 1, 176-81 (1983) 

11. “The Distribution Approach to Spatial Economics,” Journal of Regional Science 24, 1, 105-17 (1984) 

12. “An Alternative Treatment of Secondary Products in Input-Output Analysis,” with D. Chakraborty and J.A. Small, Review of Economics and Statistics 66, 1, 88-97 (1984) 

13. “An Alternative to Debreu’s Dated and Located Commodities (or the Economy as an Onion),” in J.-P. Ancot (ed.), Analysing the Structure of Econometric Models, 247-55, Martinus Nijhoff (1984) 

14. “Resolution of Conjectures on the Sustainability of Natural Monopoly,” Rand Journal of Economics 15, 1, 135-41 (1984) 

15. “Spatial Interaction Analysis,” Journal of Regional Science 24, 4, 535-39 (1984) 

16. “Fixed Points of Compositions,” European Economic Review 26, 1-2, 209-12 (1984) 

17. “The Interest Function Approach,” Economist 132, 4, 479-91 (1984) 

18. “Synergetic and Resonance Aspects of Interdisciplinary Research,” with J.H.P. Paelinck in M. Hazewinkel, R. Jurkovich, and J.H.P. Paelinck (eds.), Bifurcation Analysis, 233-39, Reidel (1985) 

19. “Closedness of Production Sets,” Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie-Journal of Economics 45, 2, 155-60 (1985) 

21. “General Competitive Equilibrium of the Spatial Economy: Two Teasers,” with M. BerliantRegional Science & Urban Economics 15, 4, 585-90 (1985) 

22. Book review of M. Beckmann and T. Puu’s Spatial EconomicsEuropean Journal of Operational Research 25, 1, 150-51 (1986) 

23. “Dynamic Input-Output Analysis with Distributed Activities,” Review of Economics and Statistics 68, 2, 300-10 (1986) 

24. “Applied Dynamic Input-Output with Distributed Activities,” European Economic Review 30, 4, 805-31 (1986) 

25. “The Initial Value Problem for the Trade Cycle in Euclidian Space,” Regional Science & Urban Economics 16, 4, 527-46 (1986) 

26. “A Foundation of Location Theory: Consumer Preferences and Demand,” with M. Berliant, Journal of Economic Theory 44, 2, 336-53 (1988) 

27. “An Alternative Treatment of Secondary Products in Input-Output Analysis: Frustration,” Review of Economics and Statistics 70, 3, 535-38 (1988) 

28. “A Statistical Approach to the Problem of Negatives in Input-Output Analysis,” with R. van der Ploeg, Economic Modelling 6, 1, 2-20 (1989) 

29. “Working Capital in an Input-Output Model,” with D. Chakraborty and T. Das, Economic Systems Research 1, 1, 53-68 (1989) 

31. “The Choice of Model in the Construction of Input-Output Coefficients Matrices,” with P. Kop Jansen, International Economic Review 31, 1, 213-27 (1990) 

35. “La Scelta del Modello nella Construzione delle Matrici dei Coefficienti Input-Output,” with P. Kop Jansen, Rassegna della Letteratura sui Cicli Economici 32, 1-4, 41-61 (translation of item 31, 1990) 

36. “National Accounts, Planning and Prices,” Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 8, 3, 375-85 (1990) 

39. “Indian Comparative Advantage vis-a-vis Europe as Revealed by Linear Programming of the Two Economies,” with D. Chakraborty, Economic Systems Research 3, 2, 111-50 (1991) 

40. “Secondary Products and the Measurement of Productivity Growth,” with E.N. WolffRegional Science & Urban Economics 21, 4, 581-615 (1991) 

41. “On the Continuum Approach of Spatial and Some Local Public Goods or Product Differentiation Models: Some Problems,” with M. Berliant, Journal of Economic Theory 55, 1, 95-120 (1991) 

43. “A Foundation of Location Theory: Consumer Preferences and Demand: Corrigendum,” with M. Berliant, Journal of Economic Theory 58, 1, 112-13 (1992) 

44. “On the Methodology of Input-Output Analysis,” Regional Science & Urban Economics 24, 1, 3-25 (1994) 

45. “Neoclassical Input-Output Analysis,” with P. MohnenRegional Science & Urban Economics 24, 1, 135-58 (1994) 

47. “Comment on Wolff: Productivity Growth and Capital Intensity on the Sector and Industry Level: Specialization among OECD countries, 1970-1988,” in G. Silverberg and L. Soete (eds.), The Economics of Growth and Technical Change, 212-14, Edward Elgar Publishing (1994) 

48. “Revised Stochastic Analysis of an Input-Output Model,” with M.J. SteelRegional Science & Urban Economics 24, 3, 361-71 (1994) 

49. “Regional Science: the State of the Art,” with M. Berliant, Regional Science & Urban Economics 24, 5, 631-47 (1994) 

50. “How much Could Canada Gain from Free Trade?” with P. Mohnen in S.F. Zerker (ed.), Change and Impact: Essays in Canadian Social Sciences, Magnes Press, the Hebrew University, 181-96 (1994) 

51. “Commodity and Sector Classifications in Linked Systems of National Accounts,” in E. Giovannini (ed.), “Social Statistics, National Accounts and Economic Analysis,” Annali di Statistica, Serie X, 6, 31-36 (1995) 

52. “The Substitution Theorem,” Journal of Economic Theory 66, 2, 632-36 (1995) 

54. “Regional Science in Crisis,” with M. Berliant, Regional Science Association International News, 1-2 (August 1995) 

55. “Commentary on Consumer Sovereignty,” in T. Rader, Economics with no Special Technology, Posthumous Essays and Selected Articles, 150, Input-Output Publishing Company (1996) 

60. “Bródy’s Capital,” in A. Simonovits and A.E. Steenge (eds.), Prices, Growth and Cycles, Macmillan, 133-37 (1997) 

61. “La localisation des avantages comparatifs rien qu’à partir des fondements d’une économie,” with P. Mohnen in M. Boudhiaf (ed.), Integration économique, Laboratoire d’Intégration Economique Internationale, Faculté des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion de Tunis, 247-58 (1997) 

67. “Mesures de la croissance de la productivité dans un cadre d’équilibre général: l’économie du Québec entre 1978 et 1984,” with P. Mohnen and G. Bourque, Canadian Journal of Economics 30, 2, 295-307 (1997) 

69. “Primary versus Secondary Production Techniques in U.S. Manufacturing,” with J. Mattey, Review of Income and Wealth 43, 4, 449-64 (1997) 

70. “Dynamic Input-Output Analysis with Distributed Activities,” in H.D. Kurz, E. Dietzenbacher and Ch. Lager (eds.), Input-Output Analysis, The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing (see item 23, 1998) 

71. “The Choice of Model in the Construction of Input-Output Coefficients Matrices,” with P. Kop Jansen in H.D. Kurz, E. Dietzenbacher and Ch. Lager (eds.), Input-Output Analysis, The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing (see item 31, 1998) 

72. “An Asymptotic Foundation for Logit Models,” with M.R. Jaïbi, Regional Science & Urban Economics 28, 1, 75-90 (1998) 

73. “The Additive Structure of Utility in Discrete Choice Models,” with M.R. Jaïbi, Regional Science & Urban Economics, 28, 1, 91-101 (1998) 

75. Book review of T. Puu, Mathematical Location and Land Use TheoryJournal of Regional Science 38, 1, 196-97 (1998) 

80. “Bias and Sensitivity of Multipliers,” with P. Kop Jansen, Economic Systems Research 10, 3, 275-83 (1998) 

91. “Engines of Growth in the U.S. Economy,” with E.N. Wolff, Structural Change & Economic Dynamics 11, 4, 473-89 (2000) 

92. “A General Equilibrium Analysis of the Evolution of Canadian Service Productivity,” with P. Mohnen, Structural Change & Economic Dynamics 11, 4, 491-506 (2000) 

94. “The Location of Comparative Advantages on the Basis of Fundamentals Only,” with P. Mohnen, Economic Systems Research 13, 1, 93-108 (2001) 

95. “Foreword,” with R. Schettkat in Th. ten Raa and R. Schettkat (eds.), The Growth of Service Industries, The Paradox of Exploding Costs and Persistent Demand, xii-xiv, Edward Elgar Publishing (2001) 

96. “Potential Explanations of the Real Share Maintenance of the Services,” with R. Schettkat in Th. ten Raa and R. Schettkat (eds.), The Growth of Service Industries, The Paradox of Exploding Costs and Persistent Demand, 29-41, Edward Elgar Publishing (2001) 

97. “Productivity Trends and Employment across Industries in Canada,” with P. Mohnen in Th. ten Raa and R. Schettkat (eds.), The Growth of Service Industries, The Paradox of Exploding Costs and Persistent Demand, 105-18, Edward Elgar Publishing (2001) 

98. “Light on the Mystery of Service Sector Growth: Some Stylized Facts,” 211-17, with R. Schettkat in Th. ten Raa and R. Schettkat (eds.), The Growth of Service Industries, The Paradox of Exploding Costs and Persistent Demand, Edward Elgar Publishing (2001) 

99. Book review of G.J.D. Hewings, M. Sonis and Y. Kimura’s (eds.), Understanding and Interpreting Economic StructureJournal of Regional Science 41, 2, 361-63 (2001) 

100. “Outsourcing of Services and the Productivity Recovery in U.S. Manufacturing in the 1980s and 1990s,” with E.N. Wolff, Journal of Productivity Analysis 16, 149-65 (2001) 

102. “Innovation and Productivity in Services,” CPB Report 2, 67 (2001) 

103. “Input-Output Requirements of National Accounts,” Handbook of National Accounting: Use of Macro Accounts in Policy Analysis, Studies in Methods, Series F, No. 81, 65-82, United Nations (2002) 

104. “Neoclassical Growth Accounting and Frontier Analysis: A Synthesis,” with P. Mohnen, Journal of Productivity Analysis 18, 2, 111-28 (2002) 

105. “Increasing Returns to Scale and Perfect Competition: the Role of Land,” with M. Berliant, Journal of Urban Economics 54, 339-67 (2003) 

106. “A Simple Version of the Henry George Theorem,” Finance India 17, 2, 561-64 (2003) 

107. “The Construction of Input-Output Coefficients Matrices in an Axiomatic Context: Some Further Considerations,” with J.M. Rueda-CantucheEconomic Systems Research 15, 4, 439-55 (2003) 

108. “Empirical Evidence on Payment Media Costs and Switch Points,” with V. Shestalova, Journal of Banking and Finance 28, 1, 203-13 (2004) 

109. “A Neoclassical Analysis of TFP Using Input-Output Prices,” in E. Dietzenbacher and M.L. Lahr (eds.), Wassily Leontief and Input-Output Economics, 151-65, Cambridge University Press (2004) 

110. “Un Réexamen de l’Hypothèse de Schumpeter à Partir d’une Approche Entrée-Sortie,” with P. Mohnen in L.M. Cloutier and C. Debresson, Changement Climatique, Flux Technologiques, Financiers et Commerciaux, 317-27, Presses de l’Université du Québec (2004) 

111. “A New Way to Locate Comparative Advantages of India and Bangladesh on the Basis of Fundamentals Only,” with C. Sikdar and D. Chakraborty in R. Acharyya (ed.), Essays on International Trade, Theory and Policy for the Developing Countries, 169-97, Allied Publishers Private Limited, Kolkata (2005) Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4

112. “Lindahl Equilibrium and Schweizer’s Open Club Model with Semi-Public Goods,” with R.P. Gilles, Mathematical Social Sciences 49, 3, 295-307 (2005) 

113. “Aggregation of Productivity Indices: The Allocative Efficiency Correction,” Journal of Productivity Analysis 24, 2, 203-09 (2005) 

114. “Análisis de las Producciones Secundarias en la Economía Andaluza,” with J.M. Rueda-Cantuche, Revista de Estudios Regionales 73, 2, 43-78 (2005) 

115. “Competitive Pressures on China: Income Inequality and Migration,” with H. PanRegional Science & Urban Economics 35, 6, 671-99 (2005) 

116. “Konkurentnoe Davlenie v Kitae: Neravenstvo Narodov i Migratsiya,” with H. Pan in I.I. Eliseeva, A.L. Dmitriev (eds.), Leontievsky Sbornik, Nestor-Istoriya, St. Petersburg, 220-269 (translation of item 115, 2006) 

117. “The Vintage Effect in TFP-growth: An Analysis of the Age Structure of Capital,” with M. Gittleman and E.N. Wolff, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 17, 3, 306-28 (2006) 

118. “Bilateral Trade between India and Bangladesh: A General Equilibrium Approach,” with C. Sikdar, P. Mohnen and D. Chakraborty, Economic Systems Research 18, 3, 257-79 (2006) 

119. “Equilibrium and the Core in Alonso’s Discrete Population Model of Land Use,” with M. Berliant, International Economic Review 48, 1, 235-46 (2007) 

120. “Competitive Pressure on the Indian Households: A General Equilibrium Approach,” with A. Sahoo, Economic Systems Research 19, 1, 57-71 (2007) 

121. “A Generalized Expression for the Commodity and the Industry Technology Models in Input-Output Analysis,” with J.M. Rueda-Cantuche, Economic Systems Research 19, 1, 99-104 (2007) 

122. Book review of A. Bródy’s Near Equilibrium – A Research Report on Cyclic GrowthEconomic Systems Research 19, 1, 111-13 (2007) 

123. “Stochastic Analysis of Input-Output Multipliers on the Basis of Use and Make Matrices,” with J.M. Rueda-Cantuche, Review of Income and Wealth 53, 2, 318-34 (2007) 

124. “La Localización de Ventajas Comparativas de Andalucia y Espana con Respecto a Italia,” with J.M. Rueda-Cantuche, Marco Input-Output de Andalucía 2000 Análisis de Resultados, 365-401, Instituto de Estadística de Andalucía, Sevilla (2007) 

125. “Don’t Aggregate Efficiency but Disaggregate Inefficiency,” in R. Färe, S. Grosskopf and D. Primont (eds.), Aggregation, Efficiency, and Measurement, 145-51, Springer, Heidelberg (2007) 

126. “The Extraction of Technical Coefficients from Input and Output Data,” Economic Systems Research 19, 4, 453-59 (2007) 

127. “Facets of Innovation and Stages of Development,” Global Forum on Trade, Innovation and Growth, OECD, 103-08 and 216-19 (2007) 

128. “Fixed Coefficients Production Function,” in W.A. Darity Jr. (ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences Second Edition, Macmillan Reference, Farmington Hills, Mich. (2008) 

129. “Input-Output Matrix,” in W.A. Darity Jr. (ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences Second Edition, Macmillan Reference, Farmington Hills, Mich. (2008) 

130. “Competition and Performance: The Different Roles of Capital and Labor,” with P. Mohnen, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 65, 3-4, 573-84 (2008) 

132. “Professor Jones’ Re-appraisal of Heckscher-Ohlin Trade Flows,” Trade and Development Review 1, 2, 144-47 (2008) 

133. “Debreu’s Coefficient of Resource Utilization, the Solow Residual, and TFP: The Connection by Leontief Preferences,” Journal of Productivity Analysis 30, 191-99 (2008) 

134. Editorial “Leontief’s Legacy,”  Newsletter International Input-Output Association Special Issue 5, 1 (2009) 

135. “Monopoly, Pareto and Ramsey Mark-ups,” Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 9, 1 57-63 (2009) 

136. “Linear Analysis of Competition and Productivity,” in A. Dhar (ed.), Themes on Quantitative Economics 1-16, Allied Publisher, Kolkata (2009) 

137. “Wassily Leontief: In Appreciation,” with W.J. Baumol, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 16, 3, 511-22 (2009) 

138. “Facets of Innovation and Stages of Development,” Trade and Development Review 2, 1, 28-33 (2009) 

139. “The Relative Performance of Formal and Informal Sectors in India,” with A. Sahoo, Economic Systems Research 21, 2, 151-62 (2009) 

140. “Sir Richard Stone Memorial Prize,” Newsletter International Input-Output Association 7, 3 (2009) 

141. “The Choice of Model in the Construction of Industry Coefficients Matrices,” with J.M. Rueda-Cantuche, Economic Systems Research 21, 4, 363-76 (2009) 

143. “Efficiency Measures for Industrial Organization,” Indian Economic Review 45, 2, 161-92 (2010) 

144. “Anne Carter and Input-Output: Technology, Trade and Pollution,” with W.J. Baumol, Œconomia 1, 1, 61-73 (March 2011) 

145. “The Solow Residual, Domar Aggregation, and Inefficiency: A Synthesis of TFP Measures,” with V. Shestalova, Journal of Productivity Analysis 36, 1, 71-77 (2011) 

146. “Benchmarking and Industry Performance,” Journal of Productivity Analysis 36, 3, 285-92 (2011) 

147. “Wage-Productivity Differentials and Indian Economic Efficiency,” with A. Sahoo, Economic Modelling 29, 341-48 (2012) 

148. “Performance Measurement in an Input-Output Framework,” Journal of Economic Structures 1:2 (2012) 

150. “Testing Assumptions Made in the Construction of Input-Output Tables,” with J.M. Rueda-Cantuche, Economic Systems Research 25, 2, 170-189 (2013) 

151. “The Problem of Negatives in Input-Output Analysis: A Review of the Solutions,” with J.M. Rueda-Cantuche, Journal of Economic Structures 2:5 (2013) 

152. “Firm Efficiency, Industry Performance and the Economy: Three-Way Decomposition with an Application to Andalusia,” with A.F. Amores, Journal of Productivity Analysis 42, 1, 25-34 (2014) 

155. “In Memoriam Debesh C. Chakraborty (1943-2014),” Newsletter International Input-Output Association 27, 1-2 (2014) 

156. “Supply-Use Framework for International Environmental Policy Analysis,” with V. Shestalova, Economic Systems Research 27, 1, 77-94 (2015) 

157. “Complementarity in Input-Output Analysis and Stochastics,” with V. Shestalova, Economic Systems Research 27, 1, 95-100 (2015) 

159. “Efficiency Measures for Industrial Organization,” in S. Ray, S. Kumbkakar and P. Dua (eds.), Benchmarking for Performance Evaluation: A Production Frontier Approach 221-50, Springer, New Delhi (2015) 

160. “Consumer Surplus and CES Demand,” Oxford Economic Papers 67, 4, 1165-73 (2015) 

162. “Homothetic Utility, Roy’s Lemma and Consumer’s Surplus,” Economics Letters 161, 133-34 (2017) 

163. “Introduction,” in Th. ten Raa (ed.),  Handbook of Input-Output Analysis, 1-6, Edward Elgar Publishing (2017) 

164. “Multipliers, Factor Contents, and Productivity,” in Th. ten Raa (ed.),  Handbook of Input-Output Analysis, 223-44, Edward Elgar Publishing (2017) 

165. “Prospects,” in Th. ten Raa (ed.),  Handbook of Input-Output Analysis, 485-87, Edward Elgar Publishing (2017) 

167. “The Use-Make Framework and the Derivation of Functional Forms in Production Theory,” Economic Systems Research 31, 1, 132-41 (2019)

168. “Introduction,” with W. Greene, in Th. ten Raa and W. Greene (eds.), Palgrave Handbook of Economic Performance Analysis, 1-8, Palgrave Macmillan (2019)

169. “Performance: The Output/Input Ratio,” in Th. ten Raa and W. Greene (eds.), Palgrave Handbook of Economic Performance Analysis, 77-95, Palgrave Macmillan (2019)

170. “The Consumer’s Index,” International Journal of Economic Theory,  16, 119–22 (2020) 

171. “Linkages, Fields of Influence and Key Sectors,” Journal of Economic Structures 9:29 (2020)

172. “Activity Analysis,” in S. Ray, R. Chambers, and S. Kumbhakar (eds.), Handbook of Production Economics I Theory, Chapter 11, 471-82, Springer (2022)

174. “Reswitching and Capital Models,” Journal of Economic Structures 11, 7 (2022)

177. “Footprint Analysis and the Incidence of Emission Taxes,” with R. Stahlie, Ecological Economics 224 (2024)